Sunday, June 14, 2009

The End of Personal Responsibility

I love the interwebs but, like any technology, it can be used for good or evil (much like the Allspark). While there are many pros and cons of the internet, one con that has been bothering me lately are the byproducts of its anonimity. More and more sites now allow comments- youtube, News sites, etc. And everyone seems to think that they should be total jerks to everyone else on the site. I would love to see what would happen if these people were face to face. I have a feeling people would be a lot nicer and if not, there would be some first class beat-downs handed out (or possibly a lot of wildly flailing nerd-fists as pocket-protectors sail through the air, dislodged for the first time ever by an unprecedented amount of physical activity).

What happened to manners? What happened to even the lowest level of respect for others? You gamers out there know what I am talking about. Many servers are filled with people with mouths like truckers that love to bash on everyone else in the game. BTW- the term "noob" as an insult has run its course- please try something new PLEASE!

The same sort of disrespect and distance from consequences has spread to basically all forms of media. See this "sort of" apology from David Letterman to Sarah Palin (just don't read the comments because they are horrible).

Apparently his jokes are fine because she is conservative... seriously there was a time in this country when he would have been shot by her relatives for less. Sure, we have free speech, but we are not free from the consequences of our speech. How about we all just take a step back and try being a little classier (San Diego)?

PS- totally found a conservative idiot that crossed the line

Really????? Come on people!


  1. So, I have to ask -- I'm out of the pop media quite a bit these days. What exactly did Letterman say? Just out of curiousity . . .

  2. That's awesome Mike! I was feeling this same way all day and Cody told me to read this. AWESOME!

  3. I hope to make more posts like this- come back and check them out!
